Tuesday, May 9, 2023

May 9 - “The Day”

We started our day this time at around 4:40. The alarm was set for 5:15, but neither of us needed it. Chris had to be at the hospital in League City by 7:15. We were there before 7. 

They called us back really fast. This whole thing was divided into three parts.  A Pre-procedure to the pre-procedure didn’t take long at all. They tried a new technique that they have only been using for a few months. Chris asked the doc how many of them she had done. Answer? Ten. And she was there to train the others in the room on how to do it. Obviously worked, though. 

The second pre-procedure was combined with the actual procedure in the operating room. Good thing. We heard a lot of horror stories about how painful it was. 

Kel found us around 9:00. He hung out until they took her back for the surgery. And he hadn’t been gone five minutes when April arrived. She agreed to come so we could have some more ears for after the surgery instructions. Lauren came just as  I was in discovering the cafeteria. She recommended the quesadillas. Good choice. Some of the best I have ever had. 

We rejoined April back in the waiting room a little after twelve and settled in for the rest of this long haul. It took longer than they expected, but there were no complications. They did go in under her arm, but that was the only difference from what they told us originally. She had a hard time waking up, and she was a little nauseated in the recovery room. They gave her a fun toy to play with, though. A long blue bag so she could pretend she was an elephant. Just stick it up to your nose and let loose a big beller. Looked like a lot of fun to me. Not so much for her. Oh, and she wondered at one point if she was dreaming. I assured her that an angel was seated at her side holding her hand. She actually opened her eyes. I smiled my biggest, disarming smile. She said, “you’re not an angel.” April thought it was funny. I was absolutely crushed. 

We finally made it home late in the afternoon. Chris was still having some problems with nausea and dizziness, so I went to the pharmacy and picked up the anti-nausea meds the doc ordered. It took a while, but she finally started feeling better. Phew. Now that was a long, tough day. 

Proverbs‬ ‭4‬‬:‭23‬ says, Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.

Father, thank you for being with us all day. Thank you for Kel and April and Lauren. Thank you for all the many words of encouragement online and in texts. Please help Chris to recuperate quickly. Amen. 

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