Sunday, May 28, 2023

May 28 - “Late night visit … in the gutter??”

And the photo dumps have begun to arrive. Our mission trip team has completed its work in Port Allsworth, Alaska, and is back in Anchorage. And with the new location comes … cell service! Internet! WiFi!  And with all those modern conveniences comes the ability to post on social media. 

The pictures I have seen so far have been nothing short of amazing. It is truly a beautiful part of God’s creation. And I especially loved the one of Ezra, all decked out in his winter hiking gear. His comment? “I’m basically an Alaska wilderness dude.” Thank you to everyone on the team for your hard work. Now, enjoy your day or two of sightseeing. 

Speaking of their sightseeing, they are seeing some critters on the side of the road off and on.  They tried to convince me that they were mooses. Come on, guys. You know there’s no such thing. You must be confusing it with those deformed Alaskan cows that locals foist off on tourists as mooses. Late last night they even FaceTimed me to show me one of their imaginary friends. Sadly, it had just walked back into the woods right before I answered. Sure. 

We have entered the summer growing season in Galveston. The grass is finally shooting up. As a result we spent a few hours mowing the grass and sweeping up the fragments. The rest of the afternoon we watched part of a movie, and then switched over to the Astros game. Good guys won!

Late last night we had some “interesting” visitors to the neighborhood. Around 9 p.m. we heard noises out in the front. At first glance we noticed an extra car parked, blocking Corey and Janell’s driveway, with the driver’s door standing open. Of course being the concerned neighbors that we try to be for each other around here, I stayed for a closer look. 

And what to my wondering eyes should appear, but two girls in their early 20’s, wearing bikinis (and they shouldn’t have been. Not very flattering), sitting in … the gutter right in front of our house, having a rather spirited discussion. Now that was definitely not a sight one expects to see in our neighborhood, so I stayed at the door, watching and trying to decide if they might need some help. It soon became apparent that the only help they might need would be a mediator or a counselor. 

I touched base with Corey by text to see if he knew who they were, but no. He even called Janell to get her input (she’s out of town). Her idea was to put one of their yippy dogs on a leash, take it outside, and let it bark until they leave. If they had ever escalated beyond their loud banter, I probably would have called and asked for a police drive-by. 

At one point they realized I was at the door watching, so they got up and walked over to the car, opened the trunk, pulled out some drinks, and had a seat over there. Very odd. Before long a guy joined them from a second car that we hadn’t noticed parked a little farther down the street. When he arrived the volume seemed to decrease considerably. Thanks, fella. After another 20 or 30 minutes, they finally drove away. Never a dull moment around here. 

Matthew‬ ‭28‬:‭19‬ ‭says, Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,”


Father, please be with those girls. Help them to resolve whatever issue they were having. Amen. 

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