Tuesday, May 23, 2023

May 23 - “A Cauliflower Blessing”

I sent Micah and Josiah a text assuring them that we had multiple people at church wanting to take their prayer cards and be their prayer partners. They even inspired folks to take the rest of the leftover cards as well. Micah responded last night at around 9:30 Alaska time (yep. That would be 12:30 a.m. here. I heard this one though). He said, “I guess it worked because me and Josiah both survived climbing up a mountain!”

We had more than a few highlights of the day yesterday. Not so much anything we did, other than take a walk. But we were inundated with pictures and updates from Alaska. Just what the doctor ordered for Nana Chris, that’s for sure. Well, other than the fact that we really miss being there with them. 

We were blessed again with food. Stephanie brought some soup she made. Probably shouldn’t have told me the creamy texture was creamed cauliflower. I almost didn’t try it. But the parmesan cheese caught my attention, as did the noodles that looked like rice on steroids. I tried it, and to my amazement, I really liked it. Then later Corey and Janell and Brennan brought over some chocolate chip cookies and some brownies. We are all set. 

1 Corinthians‬ ‭3‬‬:‭16‬ ‭says, Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?

Father, thank you that the team made it safely to Port Allsworth. Bless their work. Amen. 

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