Wednesday, May 17, 2023

May 17 - “Speaking of victory”

Chris’ surgery follow up was yesterday morning. That was the one where we were supposed to head the pathology results, so Chris was kind of on edge. Well OK. We both were. There was a bit of levity when we checked in, though. Chris held the parking stub up to the scanner to get it validated. But it beeped twice instead of once. So she tried again. And again. Then she handed it to me to try. I just held it under, and the scanner went nuts. The receptionist chuckled and said, “That’s too many. We just need one beep.”  So I ran it under one more time, heard a beep, then jerked it away as fast as I could. Victory!  Thank God for small accomplishments. 

And speaking of victory, the news from the surgeon was good. No cancer in the lymph nodes. They got all of the tumor. Next step (after a few weeks off to heal) is radiation, then 5 years of hormone therapy. However, Chris appears to be an ideal candidate for a clinical trial going on to see if radiology really makes a difference in patients like Chris. We have a few weeks to decide about that as well. In the meantime, she is still under restrictions concerning lifting and driving and housework, etc., etc., etc.  

Yesterday afternoon we were watching the last few minutes of a Robin Hood movie. All of a sudden we heard a huge explosion. Or gunshot. Or something. I went outside, as did several of our neighbors. Come to find out, it was a transformer that blew. The other side of the street was without power. Our side was fine, though. And the power company was there in record time working on it. Quite impressive. 

Psalms‬ ‭119‬‬:‭11‬ ‭says, I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.

Father, thank you for the good news about Chris’ surgery. Please give us some wisdom to decide about the clinical trial. Amen. 

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