Thursday, May 4, 2023

May 4 - “A date with Dr. Electro”

Chris had two morning appointments back to back. The first was just a device clinic check to make sure her cardiac monitor was still working. While we were in the waiting area, one of the techs from the cath lab came through … and recognized us. We hastened to inform her that we were not there to see her this time. We like you cath lab guys, and appreciate you so much, but we have seen you way too much. 

The second one was a real appointment with Dr. Electro. Chris had some questions for him about how radiation therapy could affect her implanted device. She also is kind of frustrated again about shortness of breath and back pain when walking fast or climbing stairs. The plumbing cardiologist says the ventricle can’t keep up with the work load. But apparently, nothing on any of her tests shows anything of significance that we should be immediately concerned about.  She just needs to keep managing the symptoms. Oh, and she is cleared for whatever protocols the cancer docs feel are necessary post-surgery. Phew. Long morning.  

We stopped for lunch on the way home at the downtown version of Shrimp and Stuff. I wanted Chris to taste their way of cooking and see if she thought it was any different from the original location. Well … here’s my food critic assessment. I had my usual popcorn shrimp. They were much bigger, and the portion size was much greater. They were cooked perfectly crisp, just as I like them. However, the breading had absolutely no flavor. None. No seasoning. And there was a much-different ambiance. I voted for the original by a landslide. Chris’ grilled shrimp tacos also had bigger portions, but she said they were pretty salty. Her vote was the original as well. Sorry, folks. Larger portions do not equal better, or even equal taste. Stick with the original on Ave O and 39th Street. This has been an unpaid and totally unsolicited announcement. 

Last night I somehow twisted wrong and my back rebelled mightily. I put a heating pad on it right away to get it to calm down some, but good ol’ Noni has its work cut out for it over the next few days. 

1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5‬‬:‭11‬ says, Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 

Father, thank you for Dr. Electro’s patience with our questions today. Amen. 

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