Saturday, May 6, 2023

May 6 - “Just so happened”

I decided to test out my back yesterday. Actually, Chris said she was going to mow the yard, so I kind of shamed myself into doing it. Mowed front and back, weed eater to follow, swept up the clippings, and even trimmed some bushes. The weed eater and sweeping were the hardest, but I got it done. Meanwhile, she raked the whole backyard to prep for grub-x and weed and feed. We decided to wait on that action until today, though. Too much sun and all. 

While we were outside, our new next door neighbor came out and introduced herself and one of her dogs. Beautiful golden retriever named Kyla. They also have a husky named Fennick. Named after a fox. Great to have some more neighbors willing to interact. 

Our new suitcase arrived. It’s the replacement for the one that lost a wheel somewhere between San Francisco and Honolulu. The new one is a little bit different. It seems smaller, but we stood it next to the old one, and they are the same. So, since we had another extra wheel to repair the old one, we now have a second checked-size bag. Let’s take a trip. 

I spent a good deal of time on the phone yesterday afternoon. Some former Seasiders were looking for someone to lead a funeral service on Sunday afternoon in Buda, Texas. After numerous texts and calls, I finally connected with the guy who used to be the director of missions in Galveston Baptist Association. It “just so happened” that he is now director of missions of an association not very far from Buda. Imagine that. He agreed to lead the service and called the family to make arrangements. My, my, my. 

The operating room people called Chris to verify times and the type of surgery. Problem. They told her some completely different information than what the surgeon told her. She called the surgeon’s office to clarify, but no one called her back. If we don’t connect tomorrow there will be some serious questions come Monday morning. 

1 Peter‬ ‭5‬‬:‭7‬ says, Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

Father, please get this operation stuff straightened out. And be with Taylor and her family as they walk through this tough time. Amen. 

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