Sunday, June 9, 2024

June 9 - “Let’s dance”

Well, here’s our next one. Actually, this isn’t so much a vacation trip as it is a G.E.T. (Grandparent’s Enjoyment Time). But we had to get on the road early. How does 6:20 a.m. sound? Yep. Chris really got up before six in the morning. Amazing what she’ll do for those kiddos. 

And what G.A. (Grandkid Activity) was it that demanded an overnight trek to Waco? Not football. Not basketball. Nope. (Although we have made our share of those and look forward to more). This time it was all about the girls. AnnaGrace and Lindsey (Zak’s girlfriend) were dance recital-izing.  

AnnaGrace informed me when we arrived (like, immediately upon arrival) that she was doing 3 dances, not just 2. Sorry about that, AnnaGrace. My bad. 

She was, of course, the best dancer in all THREE of her dances. She performed in jazz, tap, and ballet. The portion of the recital that featured her lasted about an hour and fifteen minutes. Not bad at all. You were great, AnnaGrace. I’m proud of you. 

After a stop at Freddie’s (that’s a restaurant in the tradition of Whataburger) for a snack, we went back to Josh’s house for a bit of a rest before … part two. 

The second part of the recital was the “older” girls. By “older” I mean junior high and high school age, not mine. I guess I could have said ”bigger” girls, but then I would have had to explain that the reference had nothing to do with their actual size. None of them were actually “big.” I mean, they had been dancing for ten or fifteen years. They were in great shape. They were just “big” in relation to AnnaGrace and her crew. Perspective. Whew! I’m so glad I didn’t have to explain all of that. So … the “older” (than AnnaGrace) girls … 

There were a lot of them, including Lindsey and a few girls we know from Columbus Avenue. And as a result, this portion was long. Interminably long. Like three hours long. The dancers were phenomenal to be sure. There was just so much. 

Most of the dances we liked (yes, even the ballet numbers). There were a few that were kind of questionable, though. Like the one with these lyrics: “What’s the point of making memories ‘cause when you’re 70 they are gone.” Ouch. But that wasn’t one of Lindsey’s. “Our” girls were pretty phenomenal in the dances they did. But three hours? Gotta confess … I may or may not have snuck in a few dozes when the girls we knew were not on stage. 

Exodus‬ ‭33‬:‭14‬ ‭ says, The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

Father, thank you for the beauty of the dances tonight. Amazing. Please bless these young ladies (and that one little boy). Amen. 

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