Sunday, June 2, 2024

June 2 - “Blame the computer”

 We had a few key back-at-home errands to run yesterday. First on the list was a stop at Randall’s. I had a prescription ready and Chris needed some more theratears for her eyes. The guy said he didn’t have a prescription ready. Buuuuut I showed him the text they sent me to say it was ready. Oops. Suddenly it was showing up on the computer. Imagine that. Blame the computer. 

Next we went to that bastion of grocery-dom … Walmart. We had to replenish pretty much everything since we’ve been gone. Only bad thing was - Walmart on a Saturday in Galveston. Not the best option for shopping. Great for people-watching, though. The place was packed with tourists. 

Those tourists might have wished they had stayed home. As we exited the store, I got a notice that we were under both a severe thunderstorm warning and a flash flood warning. As it turned out, though, all we got was the thunder-y noise. No rain where we were. 

I had the chance to do a recommendation interview about a great family who was looking at caring for a youngster. I was proud to sing the praises of Bob and Sharon. 

Psalms‬ ‭46‬:‭10‬ says, Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.

Father, thank you for all those great folks plodding their way through Walmart. Help them enjoy their window of good weather. Amen. 

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