Saturday, June 1, 2024

June 1 - “Sockeye”

Forgot to mention that when we stopped by Kel’s on our way home, I received a really cool souvenir of Alaska from Ezra. A Sockeye salmon stuffed animal. Of course I showed him why it has that name. I smacked Chris in the eye with it. Sock eye. Love it, Ezra. 

We were hoping to have dodged the bad weather bullet, but we woke up to the gentle thunder outside. And of course it got louder and louder. And finally the rains came to provide accompaniment. Quite the concert. At least we didn’t lose power. 

Chris did her initial post-trip review of our travel. We drove well over 3000 miles over the week and a half or so we were gone. That’s a lotta traffic!  Time for a day or two of “rest.”  By “rest” I mean Chris spent the day doing laundry. I got caught up on bill paying. OK. We did watch a few episodes of NCIS: Hawaii mixed in there. They canceled the series, so we had to catch the final two episodes. 

Isaiah‬ ‭26‬:‭3‬ ‭ says, You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!

Father, thank you for Sam’s sister spending the time here at the house while we were away.  Amen. 

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