Friday, June 28, 2024

June 28 - “Insect Destroyer Man”

Talk about a workday. It was Thursday. That meant Home Group at night. It also meant Chris’ weekly day of deep cleaning. And since we were at camp all last week, it was my day of outside labor. I did the mowing and edging and even the sweeping (believe me, my back can attest to the sweeping part). I’m sure the sweeping was nowhere near as thorough as when Chris does it, but it’s done. And before the projected rain arrived (it never did arrive, by the way). 

I also got to play Insect Destroyer Man. The mosquitoes were out in force outside. They organized into areal (and aerial) militias so there could be coordinated attacks every time I came into each territory. The Off I sprayed on did OK for a while, but once they smelled sweat, the battle was on. About all I did on that front was locate and swat the brave souls who bit through the death spray. 

Speaking of death spray … I had a chance to use some of the “good stuff” inside. It’s the attack version that our bug guy from church recommended. Chris located a colony of fleas, so I gave the room she found them in a good squirt. It was also time to spray for roaches anyway - welcome to Galveston. 

I had a bit of the run-around with another of our bill companies. Seems they received a payment two days late. Note here: we paid it through our bank two weeks ahead of the due date. Thank you very much, USPS. At least four times in our “discussion” she told me it was “not within company parameters to refund late fees.”  Interesting dodge to just saying “no.” Finally, when I refused to let it go, she put me on hold. A good sign. When she returned, the “company parameters” were apparently somewhat different for “long-time customers.”  I got half the late fee back. Oh, well. Better than nothing. And she also told me I could pay on the account at my local store. Interesting. I immediately went there to pay next month’s bill. Nope. Well, not exactly nope. You can pay there, but only with cash money - no checks or credit cards. I went to my original plan and had the bank send it again. Maybe with three weeks until due date they can make it on time. Sigh. 

‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭5‬:‭8‬-‭9‬ ‭ says, Be serious! Be alert! Your adversary the Devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for anyone he can devour. Resist him and be firm in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are being experienced by your fellow believers throughout the world.

Father, thanks for the really good home ground last night. I needed it. Amen. 

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