Monday, June 10, 2024

June 10 - “Baptism ‘n’ Birthday”

Wow! Yesterday was a really big day. I mean, sure, seeing all the dancing was amazing.  But yesterday pretty much took the cake. 

First off, we went to church. OK. Not unusual. But this time there was a special event that made the whole day worth just a little bit more (Read here, “WHOLE LOT” more). 

Right at the beginning of the service, the video screen lit up. It was playing an interview with AnnaGrace about her salvation and subsequent - imminently upcoming - baptism. She handled herself admirably. That’s one eloquent 7-year-old. 

And then the action switched over to the baptistry. There stood AnnaGrace in the water with her Daddy by her side. He asked her the requisite questions and under she went. Very inspiring stuff, and most definitely a proud grandparents moment (Christi’s parents were there, too).  I’m pretty sure there was singing and Josh preached, but I don’t remember much past the baptism. I’ve said it before and I feel certain I’ll say it again … I’m proud of you, AnnaGrace. 

After church Christi, Chris and I had a parent/counselors meeting regarding Kids Camp. Children’s Pastor Michelle went over the camp rules and regulations and gave us the forms we need to fill in as sponsors. I don’t think things have changed much since the last time we went to camp. Except this time our team color is blue rather than red. Go Big Blue!

After the meeting we met up with Josh and Christi and the kids, Bob and Linda, and even Lindsey was there. We had a very nice birthday for Zak, and baptism day for AnnaGrace celebration lunch. 

Then it was back on the road for home. We took a little bit different route. Apparently we were directed by GPS Siri around some road work on our regular route. Didn’t add much time, though. And the scenery was different. 

While driving we took a test. No really.  The test was part of the required child sexual abuse prevention training video for camp counselors that we also listened to (we have had to do it every year we have been to camp with Columbus Avenue). We also had to fill in a form for their background check. They are quite thorough in their vetting process. I appreciate that. So now we have a week to get our stuff together for a week of camp. Woohoo! 

‭‭Mark‬ ‭2‬:‭27‬-‭28‬ says, Then he said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.”

Father, thank you for AnnaGrace and her big decision to follow you. And thank you for Zak. We are proud that he made it 18 years. Watch over him the next 18. Amen. 

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