Wednesday, June 12, 2024

June 12 - “Feeling energetic”

We got out and did some outdoor walking yesterday. Gotta start getting ready for all-day walking in 100 degree heat next week at Kids Camp. I could tell the heat/humidity was strong here when my exercise heart rate climbed to 131. I usually have a tough time getting it above my goal of 121. Chris did pretty well after a bit of a dicey start. She didn’t feel well before we left the house, but about a mile and a half in she seemed to be hitting on all cylinders. 

After the walk Chris was feeling downright energetic, so she tracked Freddy down. She’s been having some issues with fleas again (Freddy, not Chris. Well, actually, if Freddy has issues, it means we all do). So, Chris grabbed her and gave her the whole “bath with Dawn dish soap” treatment. Fleas hate that stuff. She slept a lot in the afternoon (Again, Freddy, not Chris). Guess she didn’t have so much scratching to keep her awake. 

I uncovered some weird kind of printer issue. I was trying to print a copy of the Kids Camp schedule and camper book and counselor assignments. It was printing OK. But … it kept printing … and printing … and printing. By the time I realized what was happening, we needed more toner. And of course I didn’t have a spare. Well, maybe Walmart will have a cartridge. Otherwise … online ordering, here we come. 

Isaiah‬ ‭26‬:‭4‬ says, Trust in the Lord forever, because in Yahweh, the Lord, is an everlasting rock!

Father, thanks for you for easing Chris through her little spell yesterday. Please keep her safe through next week as well. Amen. 

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