Friday, June 14, 2024

June 14 - “Cut it out … literally”

My day for a doctor visit. I had an appointment with a dermatologist for the first time. I had a mole on my chest that was kind of questionable. They cut it out and sent it off for a biopsy. Should be no biggie, according to my PCP. He felt like it most likely was basil cell. 

After a 33 minutes wait to be called back, I finally heard, “Kelley.”  Gee. First name basis with the med assistant. I felt special. The toddler doc (resident ) came in with a baby doc (med student) in tow. They did their investigation and determined that they did indeed need to scrape it off and send it to the lab. Gotta keep those other departments afloat, you know. They disappeared for a few minutes, then reappeared with the actual adult doc (attending physician). She took a quick look through their little magnifying glass and said she agreed completely with their findings and intentions. Thanks for that vote of confidence, Doc. 

Toddler Doc, the one my appointment was actually with, then swooped in with his needle full of deadening juice. He seemed very concerned that I not be hurt by the shot. I barely felt a thing. Then he twirled his scalpel around his fingers a few times and scraped off the offending tissue. Slapped it into a tiny jar and instructed Baby Doc to get it to the lab. The procedure took less than three minutes. Efficient. 

Until it heals, I just have to keep it covered with Vaseline and a bandaid. Only issue is, now I can’t go into the lake at camp. Gotta keep the site away from any kind of water that is not chlorinated. Oh well. I’m happy to watch. Have fun guys. 

Mark‬ ‭6‬:‭34‬ says, So as He stepped ashore, He saw a huge crowd and had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. Then He began to teach them many things.

Father, thank you for those docs who really seemed to know what they were doing. Amen. 

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