Friday, June 21, 2024

June 21 - “I’m a Nut”

Well … it took me all week, and I only got the boys, here’s the I’m a Nut words for this year:

I’m an acorn small and round

Lying on the cold hard ground 

Everyone walks over me

That is why I’m cracked, you see

I’m a nut. I’m a nut. I’m a nut, I’m a nut, I’m a nut. 

Called myself on the telephone 

Just to see if I was home

Asked me out for a little date

Picked me up about half past eight

Took myself to the movie show

Stayed too late and said let’s go

Grabbed my hand and led me out

Drove me home and gave a shout. 

Josh D. mumbled in his sleep 

Then dozed off without a peep

Michael and Isaac liked their bed

Hard for them to lift their head. 

Noah has the perfect hair

Avocado swoosh he flares

Nate and Tate both like to talk

But it sure slows down their walk

Who can pop his knuckles, ew?

Just ask Sam he’ll crack a few

Rob the bead man made some trades

Differences began to fade

Josh P shined at gaga ball

Reid and Andrew led it all

Fruit chews stakes the ante fed

In Carter’s card games on his bed 

Jase is cool guy nerd, how’s that?

Owen loved that little cat

Ricky searches clues and ants

Luke he leads us in the dance

Miss Chelsea helped keep us wise

She is great - one of us guys 

PK’s verse was fun, ah, but

Best of all was “I’m a nut”

**Here we insert verses more

But for guys they are a chore

Just about the girls somehow

Think I’ll leave those out for now

Water game was our guys’ fave

They to all a soaking gave

Pastor Josh and family

Joined one day’s activity. 

Mister J got lost one night

Searched for us at firelight

Mister Daniel taught us well

Thanks from us to Miss Michelle!

Sang some fun songs ‘bout some fruit

Worshipped with some praise songs, too. 

Pastor Stu taught worship time

Singer Joe praised Jesus fine

Final night was oh so grand

Bigger than what we could plan

We all sat out by the lake

Fireworks a show did make. 

Through the songs we learned to praise 

Worship with our hands upraised

Like-Nicodemus, Hannah, too

And Nathaniel - God loves you!

Matthew‬ ‭6‬:‭19‬-‭21‬ says, Don’t collect for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal. But collect for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves don’t break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Father, help these kiddos hang onto some of the these spiritual truths they have been exposed to. Amen. 


Noa came from Galveston 

Fit right in with us as one

Brooklyn became Noa’s friend. 

Miss Becky encouraged them!

Mama Chris did medicine

Alyssa’s off to Spain again

Miss Jada on zip line flew

Lily flipped into the pool

Elle helped AnnaGrace on the lake

Joy is singing when she wakes

Jacklyn swam with Joy to test 

Just so Joy could do her best 

Kayghen kindly helped to read 

Carly’s smile is nice, indeed

Katy became Robin Hood 

When Pastor Stu said she could. 

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