Wednesday, June 5, 2024

June 5 - “But we were not alone”

Back to the old grind, I guess. We started our day off by checking the weather app. It insisted we would get rain. That would have put a major kink in our plans.  But nope.  No rain to speak of reached us. We did have a lot of wind, though. Not a bad thing for our plans, actually. Oh. What were our grand and glorious plans for the day?  Yardwork. Mowing. Weedeating. Bush trimming. The works. 

But we were not alone. 

First … remember that wind I mentioned earlier?  I was mowing the backyard, minding my own business, actually enjoying the light breeze. When suddenly, the breeze wasn’t so light. A strong gust swooped down and totally upended our grill. It also flipped over our swing, and knocked over numerous potted plants as well as one of those plastic toy kitchens. It was crazy! I ran inside to get Chris to come take a look at the carnage. 

She joined me, and together we started putting the pieces back together. I got the grill up righted. We worked together to stand up the swing. Then she reached over to stand up the little kitchen. But then … did I mention we were not alone?

Suddenly she leapt backwards and shrieked, “Something bit me! Ow! Ow! Ow!” Yep. We were not alone. The wind and Chris’ subsequent retrieval awakened the sleeping beasts. There was an actively working yellow jacket nest inside one of the kitchen’s tiny cabinets. Not a good placement, to be sure. 

The awakened critters immediately began their instinctive task of guarding the nest. And that included stinging anything within range of a quick, darting flight. That meant they all headed for Chris. Or least one or two of them did. However many it took to inflict at least five or six stings on Chris’ wrists. She went on inside to pack them in baking soda and ice. And also took a Benadryl. That, by the way, was kind of risky. She’s not supposed to take Benadryl. Doesn’t play well with her other medicines. But her wrists were already swelling, not to mention the burning … the pain! 

Meanwhile, I made my way to the garage and found a can of wasp spray. I know. I know. Don’t kill the pollinators. But here’s the thing. I looked it up. Yellowjackets aren’t really very good at pollinating. They do eat other bugs, but the old honey theory doesn’t hold water with them. Oh, and here’s the other thing. She really took one for the team, so to speak. See,  I am extremely allergic to yellow jacket stings. To the extent that I’m supposed to go immediately to the ER for treatment. Count me evil, but I don’t exist well on the same acreage as one yellow jacket, much less a colony. They were going down. I nailed most of the ones tending to the nest. Even knocked the nest down and stepped on it. Success! Well …

That’s when Chris told me there was another nest nearby inside an old bird feeder. Nope. My can of spray wasn’t empty yet. I slowly lifted the lid and bombarded them until not a soul escaped. Victory! 

Well, not just yet. I assumed Chris would take her serum-inundated self inside to sleep off the Benadryl. But no. While I mowed the front yard, she grabbed the weedeater and started on the back. And … did I mention we were not alone?  She somehow managed to find the hidden lair of some fire ants. Yep. Nailed her. Didn’t seem to slow her down, though. She trudged onward, eerily energized. 

Later, as we relaxed on the back porch, recuperating from our bout with yardwork, who should show up? Yep. More yellow jackets. Just one at a time, though. They must have been scouts, or maybe the Queen sent them to Walmart for something. I dutifully sprayed, though, until my can was empty. Then I returned to the garage for a refill. None available, so I came back with the next best thing - Backwoods Off. I know it’s for mosquitoes, but I didn’t let up on the spray until it knocked the evil critters to the ground, where I could step on them to ensure their demise. 

Whew! All that being said … if Chris seems a little different to you - you know, stronger or faster or … yellow-er … please be careful. I’m pretty sure she will transform into a super HERO, but you never know. You just never know. 

So … quite the exciting morning. Now this morning I “get” to go see my PCP. At least I don’t need treatment for a rabid, radioactive insect attack. But Chris? Let’s see. She has an appointment next week …

Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭6‬ says. The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.

Father, thank you that Chris’ stings weren’t any more severe. And thanks for protecting me. Amen. 

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