Wednesday, June 19, 2024

June 19 - “Kids Camp: day two : Some news”

First full day of camp. Our boys were so pumped that they were all awake and dressed and ready to go … by 6:30 a.m. 

I got some news of a personal nature. My phone rang during morning celebration. I recognized the number, so I hurried out to the lobby to take the call. It was the resident who scraped the suspicious spot off my chest and sent it for a biopsy. Results are in. I’ll let you know next week what they are. 

Just kidding. The biopsy was negative. No trace of cancer. It was just one of those old age “wisdom spots” that got scratched or something. All good. 

There was a disaster at lunch. They ran out of waffle fries. Things were looking frighteningly like our meal was going to be fried chicken chunks and maybe a salad. (They ran out of lettuce, too). Fortunately, however, we hung around just long enough to scarf up on some freshly cooked twirly fries. Save. 

Oh, and while we stood in line, a lady counselor approached us. She kind of stuttered out something like, “Um. Uh. I don’t mean to offend y’all or anything …”

Uh oh. With a start like that, nothing good can follow. But she awkwardly continued, “Um. Well, it’s just … you know, when you come to camp, you don’t normally see … um … well, old people.”

There it was. You mean old coots can’t handle the stress of dealing with 3rd through 6th graders? Well. Thanks for that. 

We chuckled and said, “We’re only 70.” 

She replied, with ever-reddening face, “Yes, but it’s just so unexpected. You know. And just great.”  

With that she hurriedly excused herself to attend to some counseling chore or another with her own church kids. Guess our 50 or so years of doing camps makes us legends or something. 

Painted my beard blue. Team spirit and all. Besides, the guys and girls were doing all kinds of spirit makeup. Only problem … the boys started calling me Grandpa Smurf. Thanks guys … I think. 

After worship we went back to the pool. It was a special setup they called a luau. Guess that’s because they served root beer floats. No leis though. No Lays either. No lace. No … 

James‬ ‭1‬:‭27‬ says, Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world.

Father, thanks for you for my good news. I’ve been watching the reports of that tropical down by Galveston. Please ease the effects of the storm and the fire in Ruidoso. Amen. 

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