Thursday, June 6, 2024

June 6 - “Happy Anniversary, Chris! 49 … and Counting”

Yep. We made it to 49 years. Almost at my first goal for our marriage- that would be 50 years. Next year. Here we come. And then we start on goal number 2 - 75 years. Eased up the pressure just a bit. Hey, by that time I’ll only be 97. That’ll ease right on in to my goal of living to be 100 … and beyond. Actually, on that end, I’ll be happy if I make it long enough to dance with each of my granddaughters at their wedding. 

But I digress. Hey, Chris! I love you.  How’d you like the way I made that medical student blush when she asked how my heart was doing? “She’s right over there and she’s just fine.”  Yep. 

So speaking of medical students, yesterday I had a checkup with my PCP. Well, at least he’s been my PCP for a while. As usual, however, he informed us that he’s leaving UTMB. Greener pastures and all that, I guess. That’s a shame. I liked him. And I really liked that his office is right around the corner from our house. Here we go again. 

‭‭3 John‬ ‭1‬:‭11‬ ‭ says, Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. Anyone who does what is good is from God. Anyone who does what is evil has not seen God.

Father, thank you for my wife. Thanks for walking with us for our 49+ years together. Amen. 

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