Tuesday, June 18, 2024

June 18 - “Kids Camp: Day one”

Forgot to mention the highlight of the first leg of this camp trip. After our stop at Bucees, I handed Ezra a few candied cashews … and he started singing “I’m a Nut”! Then yesterday they realized Caleb was not awake yet. “They” being Noa, Luke, Ezra, and AnnaGrace. So “They” did what any red-blooded Vaughan grandchild would do. They broke into that glorious good morning song, “I’m a nut.” Them’s my kids. 

Amongst the horde of youngsters going to camp, we met our actual small group that we are responsible for all week. Michelle the children’s minister had a meeting to explain some of the details about the camp experience. And nestled among the talking was the introduction of sponsors and who would be assigned to each group. When my name was called, I leapt upon a chair and hovered like a giant bald eagle seeking its prey. Gotta say … I nailed it. 

Once at the camp it was non-stop activity. Lunch (hamburger). Wild and crazy opening celebration. Then right to water activities. Lake first. Big slide. Blob. Water obstacle course. Then to the actual swimming pool. Crazy hot. I stayed in the shade. Maybe tomorrow for the pool. I’m banned from the lake. No, not by the lifeguard. By my doctor. He C said if I go swimming there has to be chemicals in the water. Weird sentiment. 

We did have a quick break before supper. Hence this post. Schedule changes the rest of the week, though. 


‭‭2 John‬ ‭1‬:‭6‬ ‭ says, And this is love: that we walk according to His commands. This is the command as you have heard it from the beginning: you must walk in love.

Father, be with these young ones. Draw them to yourself. Amen. 

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