Sunday, June 30, 2024

June 30 - “Demo Team”

Chris was feeling a little off again yesterday, so I did the walk on my own. I started around 6:20.  That’s a.m.  I got to see the sunrise. And then it did me a real solid. Stayed behind clouds until I finished the walk. Nice. 

Later we hit the road and delved into the wilds of Texas. Well, maybe not wilds.  We were in Texas City.  Micah and Josiah and Noa (and Kaylie, Micah’s girlfriend) had a karate demo team presentation. Kel was going  to receive a new belt. The kids were nothing short of amazing … of course. We were grandparently proud. Kel didn’t have to do anything after all. He was the only one of his class that could be there. Still gets his next level belt, though. Attaboy. 

We stopped for lunch on the way home. Good ol’ Cracker Barrel. It’s been a while. I had the pork chop special. Chris had chicken pot pie. And to top off a great meal, we had enough points from our previous visits to get the pork chop meal free. Hard to beat. 

Psalms‬ ‭23‬:‭4‬ says, Even when I go by through the darkest valley, I fear no danger, for You are with me. Your rod and Your staff — they comfort me.


Father, thanks for the skill and commitment of those kiddos we watched yesterday. Bless them. Amen. 

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