Thursday, June 20, 2024

June 20 - “Camp Three: settled in … 7”

Wells, our guys have pretty much settled in to the camp routine. They were up early again, but the counselors had set a limit of 7 a.m. as the soonest they could exit their beds. That was fun to enjoy. They so desperately wanted to get up, but all we said was, “7.” Not that it kept them asleep. Or even quiet. But it gave us a few extra minutes to enjoy our coffee. 

Been keeping one eye on developments in Galveston. I think all was well at our house. Sam never called to tell us we needed a new roof or anything. Now Southeast Texas just needs to dry out. 

After our swim time the guys may or may not have snuck over to the new hiking trail that has physical and mental challenges along the way. We conquered a few, were consternated by a few, and walked away from a few. It was fun, but I never got the overarching point of the puzzles. 

From there it was over to the rock climbing wall and ropes maze. Luke was by far the star of that show. He rang the bell loud and often to proclaim his success. Noa was quite the determined climber as well. I was proud of those two. I was proud of all the kids who made the attempt, as well. 

Here’s a free, out of context, random fact and subsequent recommendation (NOT from me. I heard it this week):

“In 1928 a law was passed outlawing child labor in mines. Fast forward to 2024. Now all that kids want to do is play Minecraft. Send kids back to the mines.”

Impeccable logic?  Wait. What?

Psalms‬ ‭107‬:‭13‬-‭14‬ says, Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble; He saved them from their distress. He brought them out of darkness and gloom and broke their chains apart.

Father, thank you for the cloud cover thus far this week. The heat here can be brutal. Amen. 

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