Thursday, June 13, 2024

June 13 - “Solo”

We got in our walk a little earlier than usual yesterday. Before you know it, I’ll have Chris out there before 7 a.m.!  

Around 11:00 we left the island. Not for good. And not on another long road trip adventure. We just went into Texas City to see a program put on at the First Baptist Church there after their worship camp. Noa and Ezra both went this year. 

The kids did a great job, of course. Ezra seemed really assured when he was playing five-gallon buckets like they were drums. Watch out, Mr. Glenn!  Noa was entrusted with a solo. Beautiful. She even let one of the younger girls join in on part of it. The youngster didn’t realize that “solo”  meant “all by yourself.”  They served a lunch for everyone after the program. Chopped beef (or maybe pork) sandwiches or a corn dog and Dr Pepper floats. 

While we were out we made two quick stops. CVS to get some specialty vitamins for Chris. Then to Walmart again for the first of our pre-camp jaunts. I’m sure there will be more. 

Galatians‬ ‭6‬:‭2‬ says, Carry one another’s burdens; in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

Father, thanks for all that Noa and Ezra learned about worship at their camp. Amen. 

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