Tuesday, June 25, 2024

June 25 - “Early start”

I got started early yesterday. Chris was still feeling puny, so I got brave and set out on a walk by myself. Left a little before seven and got back before Chris made her appearance from the bedroom. Two miles. Check. 

We originally thought about going to Walmart to get some groceries. We decided to give Chris one more day to get a little bit more “recuperated” before hitting the shelves today. 

Sam spent some time at her house in the afternoon. I think she wanted to check out whatever effects on her house the flood waters of last week might have had. 

Honestly, it feels kind of strange to look over our calendar for the week. Chris originally had an oncology doctor appointment yesterday, but they mysteriously moved it to July. She gave them a call and pretty much read them the riot act. Not for moving the appointment. That much is always understandable. Nope. She was upset that no one ever called her to let her know. The only reason she didn’t just show up is she happened to check her MyChart page. The voice on the phone assured her that a supervisor would be notified. 

John‬ ‭8‬:‭32‬ says, You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

Father, thank you for every step Chris takes closer to feeling better. Amen. 

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