Saturday, June 15, 2024

June 15 - “The remarkable tale of the … well, read on”

Here’s one for you. I’m going to save the opening sentence for the end, though. You’ll see why soon enough. 

The other day I received a group text to the Kids Camp counselors from the children’s minister. Seems she needed a bowling ball for one of the activities. The text was kind of a broad appeal before she had to buy one. Now, please don’t think there is anything particularly unusual in that request. I personally have used many stranger items over the years (Like the time I needed one of those blow-up kiddie swimming pools - blown up - for a children’s sermon).  

Now let’s retreat backwards. It’s a few days before that request has gone out. Far away from Waco, down in Galveston, a wonderful lady, we’ll call her Cathy, prepares for bed. When suddenly, she sees something moving. Yep. It is one of the most dreaded creatures on the island - the Flying Personification of Evil Itself. It goes by several names, like Palmetto Bug, but everyone here knows it simply as the two inch long flying roach!  

Now, no one (read here Cathy) wants a bug like that in her bedroom. And few are as determined as she when the stakes are this high. No way is she going to sleep with that thing on the loose. You never know where that filthy thing has been. And it might fly into her mouth while she is enjoying a peaceful dream. Nope. Not happening. 

So Cathy begins a search. Under the bed and dresser. Nothing. Along the base of the wall. Nothing. Not to be deterred, she turns to the closet. Perfect hiding place. And the real search begins. Shoe after shoe. Blouse after blouse. Box after box. She comes across things she hasn’t seen in years. 

And yep. You guessed it.  There, stuffed back in the corner of the closet, inside a bag that she hasn’t opened in literally several years, is … her old bowling ball. No big deal at the time, to be sure.  She has smaller prey to contend with. 

But fast forward a day or two. The group text from PK comes through to the home group looking to borrow none other than a bowling ball. And Cathy knows right where she can put her hands on one. 

You know, I could wax on here about how God provides in mysterious ways. And he does, indeed. I could add a point about how he can use anybody or anything to carry out his plan. And he does, indeed. But here it comes. I’m about to put together a sentence that, without the above context, would have caused you to shake your head in disbelief that such a concept had ever developed, even in MY head. Here it is … the  long awaited opening sentence to this strange and wonderful tale …

“So here is the remarkable tale of how God used a flying roach to discover a bowling ball two days before it was needed.”

Lamentations‬ ‭3‬:‭25‬-‭26‬ ‭ says, The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the person who seeks Him. It is good to wait quietly for deliverance from the Lord.

Father, it is amazing how you use whatever is necessary to meet even the strangest of needs. Amen. 

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