Sunday, January 28, 2024

January 28 - “Avoiding poop patrol”

Yesterday we did some volunteer work. Well, sort of. Chris volunteered to sweep leaves and pick up dog poop. She did both. I volunteered for the dog poop patrol, but I was told in no uncertain terms that I was not invited to carry out that particular outdoor activity. Probably best. My back would have killed me by the end of the day. 

So what was the big deal with such an extensive operation undergirding it? Caleb was having eight or ten friends over to celebrate his birthday. I did take part in developing a list of possible movies for the kids to watch. Not that any of my suggestions made the list. Didn’t matter, though. Princess Bride won the selection process, and the kids loved it. Most of them recited lines along with the characters (“My name is …” Come on. If you’ve seen the movie 2 or 3 times you know what comes next). There were plenty of other things going on. A fire pit blazed in the back yard. Smores and chocolate chip cookie cake and pizza smoldered in the kitchen. Happy birthday, Caleb. 

Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭26‬ says, Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.

Father, thank you for Caleb and for the joy he has brought into our lives. Amen. 

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