Monday, January 22, 2024

January 22 - “Battling the blaze”

Our Sunday morning began like any other Sunday morning. We got ready. We had some breakfast. We loaded up the car and headed for church. But then …

On the way there I began getting text messages. They were from a text stream of fire fighters committed to caring for each other in difficult circumstances. They had just been notified that several of our squads were in process fighting a structure fire. Stressful enough, of course, but this time there was an added stressor. Preliminary reports from neighbors and subsequently family who arrived on the scene placed three adult victims in the house - an elderly couple and their adult special needs son. I dropped off Chris and Sam, then headed to the fire location. 

The pre-1900 house was fully engulfed when the first crews arrived. It was burning so hot that crews did their best to knock down the worst of the flames while also concentrating on saving the neighboring homes. That was a chore in itself. The houses in that neighborhood from that time period were built very close together, so the danger of spreading was quite real. 

Galveston Fire Department crews worked tirelessly for hours to get the fire enough under control so that search and recovery teams could locate the victims. 

Special shout-out here to Santa Fe Fire and Rescue for their assistance, and to Galveston Police Department for their presence. Fire Marshals were active on scene. The medical examiner and his team, along with our fire fighters, handled recovery of the victims with professionalism, compassion, and dignity. 

The results were certainly tragic. The family faces a long period of adjustment now. The new, young firefighters must deal with what for several of them was a first fatality fire. 

I am more proud than ever to be associated with the finest fire fighters anywhere. Please pray for the family, of course. But also pray for our young men and women first responders. Theirs is not an easy profession. 

James‬ ‭5‬:‭7‬-‭8‬ ‭ says, Be patient, therefore, brothers, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient about it, until it receives the early and the late rains. You also, be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.

Father, please walk with the family of those involved in the fire. And watch over those fire fighters who responded to the call. Give special attention and grace to those who were directly involved in this tough call to search and recovery. Amen. 

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