Saturday, July 8, 2023

July 8 - “Breaking the streak”

Well, I snuck in a brief turn at the doc’s office yesterday. Ever since the Fourth I have been having some pretty bad heartburn and lots of belching. No appetite to speak of, but that may just be because I know it’ll hurt when the inevitable heartburn returns. Chris has been on me for a few days now to call the doc, and I finally caved. Of course my doc has no available appointments for the next couple of months. I did get in right away, though, with one of the new ladies. 

We thought it kind of suspect when I checked in and there was no co-pay required. Guess that’ll show up hidden somewhere later. I did like the new doc, though. Very thorough. She did an EKG and even ordered a stress test just to make sure the problem wasn’t heart-related. The Vaughan family doesn’t have the greatest of records on those things. My Dad had a heart attack during one. So did Chris. Maybe I can break the streak. She really thinks it’s a gastro issue of some kind. Maybe some new-fangled bacteria roaming around Galveston County guts. We’ll see. I also had to do bloodwork. And as a bonus, I got to take home a home poop test kit. Woohoo. 

Radiation number three followed in the afternoon. They adjusted the headrest so it wasn’t so much like a brick. And I guess they have the details down pat now. The whole session only lasted 22 minutes. We’ll take that. Only a slight headache, too. We’ll take that. 

Luke‬ ‭6‬:‭35‬ ‭says, But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked.

Father, thanks for the positive steps with Chris. Three down. Amen. 

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