Friday, July 7, 2023

July 7 - “Day Two … See the Doc”

Big news on the weather front yesterday. The area of squalls and apparently low pressure that has been hovering off the coast in the southern Gulf of Mexico made its way northward. We had some serious rain for the first time in weeks. Chris was ecstatic. Meant she didn’t have to water the grass. I was pretty happy, too. Meant the water bill for watering the grass wouldn’t be quite as high.

Day two of the three weeks minus weekends radiation saga is in the books. Yesterday was a little different kind of appointment. The first part was the same. Took her back, shot the alien laser ray gun at her, sent her back to the waiting room. But this time she was instructed not to go home right away. No, they didn’t expect anything bad to happen. It was just Thursday. And apparently, Thursday is “see the doc” day. 

I did get to meet the doc. Once again, Chris has picked (of been paired) with a doctor who is pregnant. Fortunately, her radiation will be over before the baby comes. So, the doc obviously knew her stuff. She explained everything and gave us plenty of time for questions. 

The only bad this time went back to having to keep her head still on top of a brick. Well, she said by the time they finished, it felt like a brick. She had a splitting headache again, along with a line of numbness across the base of her skull. They promised to try several alternatives, like a towel or at least a washcloth to provide some extra padding. 

Matthew‬ ‭7‬:‭8‬ ‭says, For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

Father, please ease the headache situation that surrounds these treatments. The stress is enough without her having to add that worry. Amen. 

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