Tuesday, July 25, 2023

July 25 - “One more to go …”

I had a little issue with a tooth over the weekend. Apparently part of a filling decided it had outlasted its welcome in my mouth and decided to depart. I probably wouldn’t have noticed, but I felt a small portion of it scrounging around in my mouth during an Astros game. Weird.

So yesterday I dutifully called the dentist at 8 a.m. to see if she could see me. Sadly, because I was in no pain, the earliest I could be seen was Wednesday. With a deep sigh, I accepted my fate and joined Chris for the first mile and a half of her walk. 

When I got home and was cooling down at my desk, the house phone rang. We rarely use that anymore, except for faxes. But the caller ID said it was my dentist, so I hurriedly accepted the call. To my surprise, they just had a cancellation for that morning. Again, with a big sigh, I accepted my fate. 

With the usual dentist-induced trepidation, I sat in the chair to hear the verdict. And after the x-rays and initial examination it came. Looked like she could get it done with minimal further invasion. Of course there came the usual disclaimer.  “If we hit the nerve, we’ll have to do a root canal.”  No mention of the accompanying pain that would preclude said procedure. And of course there is the other option - just rip it out and be done with it. Nope. That’s not happening. I told her to give it her best shot. 

And about an hour later I was on my way home. No pain going in or coming out. Best kind of dentist visit there is. I was cleared to eat as soon as the numbness wore off. Good thing. I was hungry. I settled for some canned corned beef hash. Soft fare. Good stuff. By evening I was good to go. 

When I arrived back home, Chris met me with some news.  Our washer and dryer were both going out. They are about 15 years old, so it’s really not surprising. It did necessitate a trip to Home Depot, though. And the ones we looked at probably won’t fit in the space we have. Great. Guess we’ll be wearing some underwear inside out for awhile. Meanwhile, I hung some rope in the backyard so we could go really old school and dry clothes on a line outside. 

Now the important stuff. Chris only has one more radiation treatment to go. That’ll go down today at 2:45. She’ll be ringin’ that bell and I’ll be cheering. 

Psalms‬ ‭119‬:‭105‬ says, Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

Father, thank you for the anticipation we are experiencing about Chris’ last treatment. Exciting. Amen. 

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