Tuesday, July 11, 2023

July 11 - “Surprise delivery”

We were back into Texas yesterday. Chris had an appointment with her cardiologist this time. Just a checkup to see if he still thinks she should have a pacemaker. Not up to him, though. She has to jump through all the appropriate hoops for the insurance company first. After our visit he basically said not to change anything at this point. Guess that’s good news, since we have at least 12 other things to think about right now. 

And speaking of the remaining radiation treatments, we started the first full week of treatments in the afternoon. That was number four. Eleven to go.

As we sat on the couch watching TV (yes … a Hallmark movie), I noticed out of the corner of my eye, movement on the front porch. The dogs noticed as well, and curiously made their way that direction. Just as curious, I joined them, just in time to see a random person (no delivery uniform or anything) crawl into an unmarked SUV, with a female accomplice who had been waiting for him - no doubt his lookout. They sped away. About that time Cris got a text from Janell across the street telling her to look on the front porch. What sort of mysterious package could possibly await us? A million bucks? A bomb? A notice that our car’s warranty was about to expire? Ever so cautiously, I eased the door open and peered out. And to my utter surprise … it was a surprise delivery. Larry and Diane, some of our Arlington friends, sent Chris a new bush with encouragement that they are praying for her. No idea what kind of bush. It’s just a gorgeous green plant. Thanks, guys. 

Matthew‬ ‭6‬:‭11 says, Give us today our daily bread.

‭‭Father, thanks for the expressions of live in the form of flowers and plants. Chris loves em. Amen. 

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