Tuesday, July 4, 2023

July 4 - “Happy (yesterday) birthday, Nathan”

After a great breakfast (Chris surprised us with breakfast bread. There may have been muffins as well, but … breakfast bread? That’s all me and Josh saw), the Waco clan headed out to the beach to meet up with the LaMarque cousins for a few hours. Chris and I stayed behind. She wasn’t sure how the salt air would affect the marks on her body for the radiation treatment. Everybody ended up here for lunch, though. Even Cailyn came. April brought her over on the way to work. 

New driver’s license person Micah took me and Kel over to Little Caesar’s to pick up the pizzas. Those ten grandkids and most of their parents can really put away those pizzas. There were a few slices left over, though.  Lunch another day. 

That afternoon everyone else watched TV. I went with Chris to her “practice” radiation appointment. I think the only thing “practice” about it was the absence of actual radiation. She had to get on the table and maintain the horribly uncomfortable pose for good stretches of the hour she was back there. Meanwhile, they did some x-rays, took even more measurements, did some more geometry, and drew some more pictures on her body. She had a bad headache and was completely worn out by the time she exited. When we got back home, she took some Tylenol and disappeared into the bedroom for a much-needed nap. 

Supper was burgers on the grill. Kel did the grilling honors. At one point I realized that I was the only adult not sitting out on the back patio. Even Chris had joined them after she woke up. Realizing I had obviously missed the memo, I grabbed another chair and joined the rest of the old guys. We chatted in the relative quiet until the burgers were ready. And then we re-entered the din. 

It was a pretty good family celebration, but we sure missed Nathan and April. They both had to work. Such is the life of an ER nurse and a plant fireman. The Waco bunch left soon after we ate, and the LaMarque clan followed right after. Cailyn spent the night with us. 

Cailyn joined us after all our guests left to take our neighbors barbecue plates from the JBVFD fund raiser. Lauren had dropped them off earlier with the great idea to share them as a “Welcome to the neighborhood” treat. They seemed really appreciative and want to get together for dinner sometime. 

Back at the house again, we started my Father’s Day present from Cailyn, Nathan and April. It a jigsaw puzzle. But not just any jigsaw puzzle.  This one was made out of a photo of Nathan and Cailyn with a few comments added like, “Nathan is the favorite child” and “Cailyn is the favorite grandchild.”  Definitely showed some unbridled creativity. 

Psalms‬ ‭77‬:‭11‬-‭12‬ ‭says, I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds.

Father, thank you for the chance to see and spend time with much of our family. Please be with Nathan and April on the days they  have to spend hours at work (especially on their birthdays). Help them know they are greatly loved. Amen. 

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