Friday, July 28, 2023

July 28 - “Ant Armageddon”

No walk for me yesterday. Well, unless you include walking behind the lawn mower and weed eater and weed puller. And it was pretty hot. 87 degrees with a wind chill of 94. I even had some company on the mower. 

I sprayed the shed with ant deterrent last week. And I really didn’t see any critters this time. Thinking I had been successful in my attempt at ant Armageddon, I casually pulled the mower out and began the process of getting it ready to go. 

That’s when I saw it. Survivors. Hundreds of them, working steadily up and down the handles. Apparently, they had established a stronghold that was off the ground, and were laboring to get it ready for an all out attack. 

Well, as they no doubt feared, the attack came. I grabbed the spray and doused the lawn mower from top to bottom, hoping all along that there were no chemicals in there that were flammable. 

I’m not really sure how successful I was this time. They disappeared rather quickly, and I did at least shake them up like they’ve never been shook when I started the machine up. We’ll see how it lasts next week. 

Luke‬ ‭1‬:‭37‬ says, For no word from God will ever fail.

Father, thanks for the protection while we worked in the heat yesterday. Amen. 

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