Tuesday, July 5, 2022

July 5 - “Happy Independence Day … yesterday”

We did what I imagine a lot of folks did on the big holiday yesterday. We worked in the yard. Mowed the grass. Edged. Trimmed the bushes that were totally out of control. Chris started cleaning out flowerbeds again. We started this yardfest around 8:30 or so and kept it going until after eleven. I know.  Doesn’t sound too bad. But did I mention that it was hot?  Really hot. We were exhausted. 


After a shower and some lunch, Chris started putting up some of her tiny collectibles like thimbles. That meant we had to hang up the printer’s drawers that she uses to display them on. Meanwhile, the Astros played an afternoon game, so we watched that as well. Now that was one exciting game.  The good guys were behind by five runs and came back to win on a walk-off home run in the bottom of the ninth.  Woohoo!


Last night we went up on the deck to see if we could see any of the city’s big drone fireworks show.  Janell and Brennan even came over.  The powers that be decided shooting real fireworks was bad for the environment or something.  We couldn’t see anything of the drone show.  Part of the reason was the height of trees that have grown up around us (that’s a good thing, actually.  The shade helps with the electric bill in the summer).  We also heard they were having lots of technical trouble.  However, there were plenty of wildcat fireworks to watch in every direction from the deck. Happy Independence Day!


Galatians 5:13 says, You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.”

Father, thank you for the chance to get our hands dirty out on the yard. It’s fun to see your creations growing. Amen. 

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