Friday, July 22, 2022

July 22 - “Moving the bricks”

We had bold plans for the morning. We even got started on carrying them out. The intention was to create a flower bed around one of the trees in the back yard. That meant gathering up some of the bricks from our brick pile out back and carrying them over to the tree. Then we needed to arrange them in the shape Chris wanted. Next would be digging out the existing grass and breaking up the soil. Then separating the bulbs of the plant she wants there and moving them over. And finally, spreading some mulch. Lots of work for such a little space. And lots of words for something that didn’t even happen.


We did get started.  Well, at least down to moving the bricks. Then Chris remembered that we were supposed to have sent some pictures to Christina. Micah and Josiah are receiving their black belts in karate next week, and Mom and Dad are putting together a slide show of some of their early karate “career.”  Once the pictures were sent, we also had to do the weekly housecleaning for home group. That took up most of the rest of the morning, so the backyard project is on hold. And by “on hold” I mean, no doubt on tap for today.


After some lunch we watched some of the Astros first game against the Yankees. That one ended up being a real nail biter. The Astros had a walk-off single in the bottom of the ninth to win. Woohoo. And by the way, the good guys won game two as well.  Swept the Yankees.  Always a good day.


We headed out to the church for the last day of VBS. Those North Texas kids did a really good job. They are talking about coming back next summer, so I guess they considered it a success. They are going to visit NASA today, then leave on Saturday and Sunday. Different leave times for different vehicles, I suppose.


Philippians 2:13 says, for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.


Father, thank you for the commitment of the mission group from Palo Pinto Association. Bless them and keep them safe. Amen. 

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