Tuesday, July 19, 2022

July 19 - “A discussion is forthcoming “

We went up to the church to meet the group that will be leading the VBS the rest of the week. They are from the Mineral Wells area. One of their leaders is the guy who came down after Hurricane Ike to help out. He ended up crawling into a big tree and trimming off some dead branches. Even his kids helped with sweeping and cleaning up. Looking forward to chatting with Ferrell again.


We walked down one of the main streets to locate at least part of the group. They were going door to door with flyers about the events of the week.  We finally caught up with Kel and walked along with his group for a while.  After everyone left we walked over to the Shrimp and Stuff food truck for some lunch. That’s always a special treat. I had my popcorn shrimp basket. Chris had her grilled shrimp tacos. Good, good food.


It was back on the road to Texas again in the afternoon. This time we had to pick up Cailyn and a friend to get them to the church. They wanted to help get everything set up for the block party. And, well … we almost made it into Texas. We got to Target on the way out of town and Cailyn called to let us know she was riding in with Aunt Christina instead. Saved us an international trip.


The block party was a rousing success on every front. Two bounce houses. Frisbees. Corn hole. The church playground structure. Hot dogs. Cotton candy. Sno cones. Popcorn. Seagulls begging to be fed. Seasiders wore our blue shirts so folks would know who we were. I was able to meet and introduce to Kel several new folks. And there were a lot more I saw but didn’t necessarily get to meet. Several of them mentioned the flyer they received at their houses that morning. Nice job there, delivery crew. Several also told me they would probably come to church. As I said, all in all … rousing success.


There was one glitch in the works, though. As one set of parents started to leave, they realized their 7-year-old son was missing. We searched the whole premises but couldn’t find him anywhere. Mom finally jumped in her car on a hunch while Dad kept searching with us. Not long after that, I received a photo text from the Mom - of the youngster running down the street on his way home. Dad, though relieved, assured us that there would definitely be “a discussion” when he got home. Glad he was safe, though.


Psalms 147:11 says, the Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.


Father, thank you for the safety our Jamaica Beach community afforded him when that youngster decided to run home. Amen.

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