Tuesday, July 12, 2022

July 12 - “Excitement at Wally World”

I was up and at ‘em at 5:30 yes. Well, I was up. Not sure how “at ‘em” I really was. My hip was aching. That’s what woke me. And when I got up, I figured out why (although Chris doesn’t necessarily agree with me). It was pouring down rain. Don’t joints ache when the weather changes?  Especially old ones? Chris has been on to me, trying to get me to ask the doctor about it. I can hear the conversation now: “When we reach a certain age, blah, blah, blah.”  At least, that’s what I would want him to say. Way better than: “I’m sending you to PT and then to an orthopedist. You probably need a new hip installed.”  Hence, the real reason I’m hesitant to let my doc in on it.


We walked our two miles in spite of the threat of more rain. It started up again just as Chris was heading out to walk stairs. Lucky her.


We went to Walmart. I needed some more bananas, and Chris had a few random things on her list. It was relatively busy, but not like a summer weekend crowd. Oh! As we walked in, we saw two exciting things. The Oscar Mayer Weinermoblie was parked out front. That’s a rare sight. The second thing was the sign advertising gas at the Walmart station. $4.07 a gallon. Lowest it has been in a while. But that’s not all. After we got our groceries and headed back out to the car … gas was now $4.06 a gallon. I told Chris we should go back in and out until it drops below $4.00. Anybody else with me?


Psalms 77:12 says, I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds.


Father, it is true; you do some mighty deeds. Thank you for the times we get to be there to see you at work. Amen

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