Thursday, July 21, 2022

July 21 - “A sermon in there somewhere”

I started my day quite early. I woke up around 3 with my hip aching a bit. I couldn’t get comfortable, so I finally just got up around 4. Made for a really long day.


Speaking of days, we took a day off from walking. Instead, I mowed and edged. Then I joined Chris in weeding a flower bed in the front yard. It was pretty hot, but we got it done. Temperature was 91 degrees. Wind chill was 109. Ouch.


About 1:30 we left again for VBS at the church. One of the little boys led the opening prayer. An excerpt: “May everyone have a good time and learn something even though we don’t know what yet.”  There’s a sermon in there somewhere …


After VBS the group leading it had their opportunity to head to the beach. They aren’t staying at our retreat center, since another group already had it booked. So, they had to bring their change of clothes and make a full afternoon of it. A few of them were wary of stepping on a jellyfish in the water. Chris explained that that was not how jellyfish work, so they didn’t have to worry along those lines. I wanted to take the young lady’s beach education a step further and tell her she probably would not even see the jellyfish until after she was stung multiple times, and even then she may never see him. I thought better of that choice. Perhaps she’ll have a good time now. We let them borrow a shovel and the beach toys we keep under the building. There are a lot of little kids who will have a great time with them … as will their director, Ferrell.


1 Peter 3:15 says, But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,”


Father, please keep our guests safe in the water and in the sun. Amen.

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