Wednesday, July 13, 2022

July 13 - “It’s great to be married again”

Chris walked. I didn’t. It was my day off. That’s my story and I’m sticking with it.


We met up with Kel and Lauren at Sam’s. The plan was to add Lauren onto the church’s account and get her a card. We also had some other housekeeping to do on the account, but we were told that that has to be done over the phone through the corporate offices. Major corporation business, you understand. Basically, we’re trying to make the Kel the church’s primary card holder on the account. How hard can that be?  Push a button, right?  Guess there’s more to it than just that.


So … they were able to add Lauren to the church account. No problem. Chris and I then drove up to the really big Academy near Baybrook Mall. Chris needed some new shoes to do her exercise walking in. She has absolutely worn hers out. Fortunately, they had one pair in her size that she liked. She also found some walking shorts. She has lost a lot of weight, so she needed those as well. I managed to score as well. I finally got one of those silicone wedding bands. I can’t get my wedding ring on anymore, so, as I told Chris, “It’s great to be married again.” 


Back home I made those two phone calls about the Sam’s account. It took a while, but the bank finally got Lauren set up for a church credit card so she can make purchases for the retreat center. When I made the call to Sam’s Corporate, however, I received some “interesting” instructions. Seems the only way to change the primary person on the account from me to Kel is to … drumroll here … go back to the actual store. Well, OK then. Put that one back on the list.


Psalms 105:1 says, Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done.”


Father, thank you for that amazing lady you blessed me to spend 40-leventy years with. Amen.

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