Monday, August 5, 2024

August 5 - “Ka-Boom”

Well, that was a rather noisy morning to wake up to. Just ask Freddy. She spent at least an hour cowering at my feet under my desk. Or literally under the covers as close to Chris as she could get. Yep. Thunderstorms rolled through … again. They seemed pretty strong, too. Certainly loud enough. Lots of rain and wind (and thunder!) in a relatively brief period of time. 

It was my second week of filling in for Kel at Seaside. He was back from his pastor’s retreat in Colorado, but he wasn’t feeling so hot. They have had the flu skipping around the folks in his house. Hopefully his is just jet lag. We’re more worried about Christina being sick, too, though. Her bout with Covid has us a little jumpy any time she coughs. 

With all the rain, we weren’t sure how many to expect at church. A pretty good group did make it, though. Of course they were assisted by the group of ten young adults from First Baptist Church in Houston. They were spending the weekend at a beach house. They said they really enjoyed the worship experience. 

Back home, our neighbor who shares the fence that was blown over in the storm came by. He has agreed to pay for half of the fence if I take care of setting everything up. He works out of town, so I’m happy to do it. That’s one storm issue covered. Still have one fence, a roof repair, removing the rest of a tree and some stubbornly errant tree branches, and possibly replacing a shed. 

Hebrews‬ ‭11‬:‭1‬ says, Now faith is the reality of what is hoped for, the proof of what is not seen.

Father, please bring healing and physical protection to Christina and Kel and their family. Amen. 

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