Wednesday, August 21, 2024

August 21 - “Testing … Testing …

We had an early morning wake-up text yesterday. Not on purpose, but early nonetheless. A little before five my phone sounded its incoming text notification. Even woke Chris up. Not a problem, though. It was from Keith Jefferson, a long-time friend (who happens to live in the Eastern time zone, hence the early nature of the text). He was just checking in to join the thundering hordes in wishing Chris a belated happy birthday. Thanks for the thoughts, Keith. Long time no see, my friend. Come back to Texas and visit some time. 

Speaking of long time no see … Chris had one of those stress echo tests. Her appointment was for 9:30. By 11:30 I was getting pretty antsy in the waiting room. She finally came out shortly thereafter, though. No emergency admittance or anything like that. Just a really long test. Of course they passed the baton to her cardiologist for any final say on future tests or caths. 

There was one thing. On our way to the elevator Chris stopped at the bathroom. She came out with an extra paper towel over her hand. The IV site had begun to bleed again, and blood was dripping everywhere. We went right back over to the echo lab, and they immediately sent a nurse to re-dress the site and wrap it with some of that elastic tape. No messing around with blood, that’s for sure. 

Back home, I spent well over an hour on the phone with Home Depot trying to get some idea if what their promised “inconvenience discount” was going to amount to, so I could plan out my payment schedule to avoid interest charges. Here’s a summary:

  1. Pay something on your account or they will “fee” you to death. Now. I’ll connect you with Customer Care to address the discounts issue. 
  2. I’m trying to get a manager to approve more than $150 (that’s my limit). Also, I’m on hold with Whirlpool trying to get a sooner delivery date. 

And that call ended up with them hanging up on me. I called back and got a different person. Different instructions. 

Then I saw a voice mail from the first person I talked to. Seems that now the delivery will be September 13 - three days sooner. And the “usual” compensation is 20-25%. Still have to wait for delivery to request it, though. 

Then an email came from that first person again. I quickly asked her to send me an email with the info she said in the voice mail. 

Whew! At this point I just hope we’re still getting a fridge!

Joel‬ ‭2‬:‭12‬-‭13‬ ‭says, Even now — this is the Lord’s declaration — turn to Me with all your heart, with fasting, weeping, and mourning. Tear your hearts, not just your clothes, and return to the Lord your God. For He is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, rich in faithful love, and He relents from sending disaster.

Father, thanks for being with Chris through that two hour ordeal. Amen. 

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