Saturday, August 31, 2024

August 31 - “Good guys win times two!”

Sam had another appointment yesterday. She and Chris took off in the morning for Texas while I started the process of getting things together for our later venture farther into Texas. 

After a quick bite to eat, we hit the road for Waco. Caleb had his opening of the season football game. It meant pretty tight squeeze as far as getting there on time, but we decided to take on the challenge. Besides, Christi needed some costume jewelry and bow ties for the class she teaches at their homeschool co-op. What class could that possibly be? Hold on to your hat … it’s called Tea Time. I think she teaches them how to have a real live tea party. Great fun. I guess. 

After our requisite stop at Buc-ees, we made it in plenty of time for the football game. The score was 54-26 … good guys win! And Caleb played a great game. He had several unassisted tackles, and combined for several more. Way to go, defense!

And to top off the evening, Sam kept me updated through the Astros game. The good guys won that one as well!

John‬ ‭1‬:‭1‬ says, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Father, thanks for that relatively uneventful drive. Be with those teeming hordes of people we saw on the roads, though. Amen. 

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