Wednesday, August 14, 2024

August 14 - “No longer 70”

Well, as of today I’m not 70 years old any longer. I’m pretty sure that means I can now determine whatever age I want to be based on how I’m feeling at the time. I figure for the most part the puts me at 7 or 8. What do you guys out there think?

Speaking of 70 (well, almost) Chris had an appointment yesterday with her PCP. Why is that what we call family doctor nowadays? Guess the shorthand is easier to remember. Certainly better than saying Primary Care Physician. It was a regular checkup. No emergencies or anything. They are gonna watch her blood pressure like a hawk, though. Chris has to take her BP (see what I did there? Initials. Not for British Petroleum, though. Blood Pressure.  Just Blood Pressure) every day for next three, then send the doc the results. Maybe if she hits three in a row she’ll win a jackpot!  

We made a Walmart quick run. Well, we thought it would be quick. We did get the bulk of the groceries we needed (that would fit in the pantry or the tiny spaces left in the spare fridge. But that issue will be remedied tomorrow!  New fridge delivery on the books for Thursday. Woohoo!). Sorry for the rather excitable rant. Three weeks without our usual refrigerator has been tough. 

So, back to the shopping. The unexpected extension of time came at the checkout counter. Come to find out, Chris and the lady had something in common. The checker is about to have a loop recorder implanted, and she’s more than a bit ill-at-ease. Well, since Chris has already been there-done that, she was able to at least somewhat calm the lady’s fears. It took a while, and perhaps to extend the chat time without getting in trouble, she put just one or maybe two items in each bag. It worked, though. I think she was calmer than when we arrived. Good ministry job, Chris!

Shortly after we got home, my phone rang. It was Kel. They had run out of gas about a block or two away from the gas station … in front of Walmart. We took them some gas and they made it safely to the station. Ah, crises. Ain’t they grand? 

Proverbs‬ ‭16‬:‭9‬ ‭ says, A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord determines his steps.

Father, thanks for you for the chance I had to watch Chris calm that checker. Very cool stuff. Amen. 

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