Friday, August 16, 2024

August 16 - “However …”

Back to the old grind, I suppose. Two more miles in the books. And, folks … it’s hot out there!

The exciting part of our day spanned the time we spent in anticipation of the delivery of our new refrigerator. Thanks, Corey, for letting us park in your driveway to clear the path for that cooling machine. 

However … when the delivery guys arrived and began de-boxing the fridge (I was watching like a hawk), what to their wondering eyes should appear? One of the prongs of the brand-new plug was broken off, making the whole appliance … well, useless. We had to decline the delivery. He left to make his next delivery, but said he would call me as soon as he received a call-back from the manufacturer as to when a replacement would be delivered. Wonderful. 

He didn’t. I started calling people after an hour or so. And after the anticipated frustration of yet another hour dealing with whoever will be replacing it, the best they could do was another month away. That particular one was on back order. Of course it was. So that’ll put us two months in without the refrigerator we tried to purchase right after the last hurricane. Wow. Just wow. Think cool thoughts and eat out a lot? They did say I could request a discount once the item was delivered. I’ll be all over that one. 

‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭9‬:‭7‬ ‭ says, Each person should do as he has decided in his heart — not reluctantly or out of necessity, for God loves a cheerful giver.

Father, please help our small spare fridge hang in there another month plus. Amen. 

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