Thursday, August 15, 2024

August 15 - “A Day of Surprises”

My day started in a great way. So many texts and facebook messages and Messenger messages that I had a really hard time responding to them all. If I missed yours … thanks so much for the birthday wishes!  

We did get a shortened version of a walk in. Mile and a half. Not because we bombed out, though. I just made one of those accidental phone calls through the messenger app. Spent about half an hour catching up with our dear friend Connie. Great to chat again, Sis. I think maybe that call was NOT an accident … not really. 

After lunch I had a happy birthday call from Nathan. And the myriad of good wishes from Facebook friends as well as texts from friends and family all over the U.S.  never stopped all afternoon. Great to feel loved. 

In the middle of the afternoon I had a phone call that was totally unexpected. I led with the usual, “Hello,” fully expecting to hear the administrative assistant (Jenna) tell me I was needed at one of the stations right away. But no. Oh, Jenna was there, all right, but she joined with all the chiefs in a rousing verse of “Happy Birthday to you.”  Yep, the entire administration team of the fire department was on the other end of the call, blasting out the song. Loved it. Absolutely loved it. Thanks, guys - and Jenna. 

Last night we had some special visitors. Kel and Christina went out for their anniversary, so the kids came over to hang out with us and share my birthday pizza. They even stopped at Walmart on the way over and got us a birthday present all by themselves. Jigsaw puzzle for each of us. 

And finally, I had another call around 9:30. Josh and his whole family regaled me with happy birthday’s as well. Completed my day with a touch of family. Happy birthday to me. 

Galatians‬ ‭5‬:‭16‬ says, I say then, walk by the Spirit and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh.

Father, thank you for the many expressions of love yesterday. Amen. 

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