Sunday, August 11, 2024

August 11 - “Wait. What’s this?”

Wait. What’s this? We got back from our walk and what should greet us but … a very large branch of the sycamore tree … on the ground … quite near to the car. Fortunately it missed the vehicle, so there’s that. And even though it landed partly in the driveway and partly in a flowerbed, apparently no flora or fauna was injured or damaged. But the situation meant that our morning workout was not over quite yet. Chris went and got the loppers, and we got to work. Fortunately, we were able to snip off limbs until one large stick was left, about 8 feet long. Hope the trash guys will take it. Oh, and no. It wasn’t the biggest broken branch up there. We can only assume that there is more to come in this saga …

I did something for a while after our walk/tree-lopping. Some would call it down right weird. I am really fascinated by it, though. I watched some of the Olympic marathon competition. We had to leave before it ended though. 

Our hasty departure was so we could make a quick trip out to the west end of the island to see my cousin and his family who are visiting on the island from somewhere up north. Maybe Wisconsin? Haven’t seen them in a very long time. As we were leaving my “much” older brother and his wife arrived, as did the wife of another cousin.  It was fun to catch up with them, even for a very brief time. 

After a stop by the house to make sure Sam was covered with some lunch (No. I don’t mean we slathered a casserole all over her head, although that would have been really funny).  Just made sure she got some lunch. She scarfed down some more of the King Ranch Casserole Lauren brought us yesterday. That’s one of Sam’s favorites, to be sure. 

Next we headed into Texas to watch Cailyn play some indoor soccer. You know … Futbol. And on the way Christi sent us Caleb’s football schedule. Football. I think our Fall is ramping up. 

Cailyn ended up playing in two games. That indoor stuff is really a different animal. One game they lost 13-2. But the next one was like a whole different level of play. And after 40 minutes of extremely tight play, the good guys scored with mere seconds left on the clock. Woohoo!

Psalms‬ ‭105‬:‭1‬ says, 

Give thanks to Yahweh, call on His name; proclaim His deeds among the peoples.

Father, thanks for the chance, however brief, to see some of our relatives again. Amen. 

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