Wednesday, August 28, 2024

August 28 - “Dancin’ in the rain”

Yep. That’s what I did the other day. We didn’t want to miss another day of workouts. Well, the walking kind of workout, anyway. Those days I spent digging and cutting roots definitely count as workouts. But we missed our walks. 

So there we were, back on the blacktop again, pleased at first that there were some clouds in the sky to take the edge off of the sun’s heat. Until … 

Well, those nice, fluffy clouds began to take on a duller hue. And then a noticeably darker one. Until finally there was no mistaking - they were downright black. And obviously heading our way. 

We plodded on, however, chatting and enjoying the cool breeze. All that began to change about halfway through the first mile. We felt a few sprinkles here and there. No problem. We laughed and continued on. Then the drops got heavy. Then their best friends began to show up. Then acquaintances. Chris asked if I wanted to turn around and head home. “Nah. Let’s finish at least the mile” he said. 

Well, then all those friends invited their neighbors who invited their friends and family. Before we knew it, a cascade of rain representatives was drenching us. So what did we do about it? Turn back? Too late now. Complain? Why? Would this be an unsolvable conundrum?

Nah. I did what any self-respecting 71 year old would have done. I started dancing. And singing a little bit. Come on. You HAVE to dance a little in this life because - well, why not?  

Chris, however, had a different idea. She suggested that we try running for a bit. Hey. Why not? They make us run on the treadmill for those heart tests, don’t they? So off we went. We did take a rest, but after two spurts, we made it home after exactly one mile. I’ll take that as a success!

Ephesians‬ ‭5‬:‭8‬-‭10‬ says, For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light — for the fruit of the light results in all goodness, righteousness, and truth — discerning what is pleasing to the Lord.

Father, give us plenty more chances to throw off convention and do some more dancin’ in the rain. Amen. 

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