Tuesday, August 13, 2024

August 13 - “The Mainlander Family”

I had one of those DadDad chores yesterday. Kel and his family are staying in Galveston at a beach house for a week. And as a part of their family vacation, 7 year old Ezra wanted just one thing on his (in his words) “vacation bucket list - Fishin’ with DadDad.”  So I HAD to fulfill his one and only vacation wish, didn’t I? 

We went to “our spot” - a little park on one of the canals in Jamaica Beach. Their whole family decided to join Ezra, so I loaded up the truck with all the operating fishing poles I had. And they did pretty good for a “mainlander” family. Several croakers, numerous sand trout, two keeper redfish, a pretty big black drum, and a few catfish. They all had a pretty good time. Christina brought over some side dishes, Chris baked the reds, and I fried the fish McNugget filets for lunch. Major Yum!

James‬ ‭1‬:‭2‬-‭3‬ says, Consider it a great joy, my brothers, whenever you experience various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.

Father, thanks for directing those fish to the kids’ hooks today. They had fun. Amen. 

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