Friday, August 30, 2024

August 30 - “He’s back home”

We walked again. Made it the whole two miles this time. And yes, we were hustled up a bit by the thunder. Made it home with mere moments to spare. The downpour did happen. We didn’t get wet, though, so there’s that …

Sam had another appointment, so the two lovely ladies went back into Texas. And on their way home they made a stop for some lunch. Olive Garden special. Yum. 

While they were out, Robert stopped by. He has been visiting his family in Indiana for the last two months. Good to see him again. He and Sam have been good friends for years, so she was particularly happy to see him. 

We also took the car in for a checkup of its own. The onboard computer had already told us we needed an oil change. He found a few other of those deferred maintenance things that really needed to be done as well. Gotta keep that thing running smoothly for future trips.  

Psalms‬ ‭113‬:‭3‬ says, From the rising of the sun to its setting, let the name of Yahweh be praised.

Father, thank you for Robert’s safe trip back home. Amen. 

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