Monday, August 12, 2024

August 12 - “The real boss”

52 folks met up with us at church yesterday. Well, we were two of the 52, so I guess to be perfectly accurate, I suppose I should say 50 others met us. Good folks. 

The big event for our afternoon was pretty much centered around the Astros game. The good guys jumped out to a 10-0 lead, with a few home runs thrown into the mix. The bad guys tried to chip away at the lead, though. They fell short. Like way short. 8 runs short. Go Astros!

We also chatted with our next door neighbor about replacing the fence on that side and removing the tree that is embedded in the old fence. We talked to the husband. He referred us to “the real boss.”  That’s would be his wife, of course. He’s going to talk to her when she gets back in town from a visit with her family. Here’s hoping we can get the whole fence thing done soon. 

‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭5‬:‭6‬-‭7‬ says, Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, so that He may exalt you at the proper time, casting all your care on Him, because He cares about you.

Father, thanks for the neighbors you have given us. Help us be good ones. Amen. 

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