Sunday, August 25, 2024

August 25 - “A mini-road trip”

Early morning mini-road trip. All the way to … Pearland. Hey. I know it’s not that far, but it took us an hour to get there, so as far as I’m concerned, it counts. 

Oh. Why? We went to cheer on Cailyn at one of her soccer games. Woohoo!

This was a club team she had to try out for. She is the starting sweeper (defense), and made some pretty amazing stops. I was impressed with her whole team. They passed better than any girls’ team I have ever seen (and just about every boys’ team as well). The passing worked well for them, too. The good gals won this one, 1-0. They played again last night, but we couldn’t go. However that turned out, though, I was sure proud of them. 

We stopped at Joe’s Barbecue in Alvin on the way home. Used to be really good stuff. Not so much yesterday. Not a lot of flavor in the sides, and my ribs were tough with not much meat. Chris’ chicken was pretty good, though, and the best part our respective meals? Mac  and cheese for me. Potato salad for Chris. Guess we’ll be shopping for a new place in Alvin. Hmm. Wonder if that Jack in the Box we went to on our wedding night still there …

We also took care of one more errand while we were out that has been on our list for a few months now. We went to Home Depot and bought a new lawn mower. The old one has served us well, but it is completely rusted through in several places, and the pull cord has already broken once. Corey and Janell helped us a lot when we got it home. They carried it to the back porch for us. Thanks, guys!  We got it out of the box and put together without too much difficulty. Now we wait for the grass to grow. Exciting times. 

Matthew‬ ‭5‬:‭10‬ says, Those who are persecuted for righteousness are blessed, for the kingdom of heaven is theirs.

Father, thank you for neighbors who care enough to carry heavy stuff. Bless them for that. Amen. 

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