Sunday, August 4, 2024

August 4 - “Schooled by a 7-year old”

Just a quick anecdote from the realm of the up and coming wise ones. 

We were schooled by 7-year-old AnnaGrace yesterday. In an early-morning chat with her and Luke, something triggered her to remember something obviously very important. She made sure all eyes were on her. Then she continued … 

“You know how I have Vaughan blood and Luke has Vaughan blood but Mommy doesn’t have Vaughan blood? Well, you know how ladies get the husband’s name when they get married? So Mommy took on Daddy’s name when they got married.”

(By this point we were completely and totally engaged).  

She continued …

“And then … and then … and then …

(embarrassed chuckle and sideways glance)

“You’re about to learn how babies are born.”

(If we weren’t totally engrossed before, we certainly were then). 

“So babies get their Daddy’s blood because babies actually start inside the Daddy. And then they get married and they start kissing and stuff …”

(Here Luke adds a dramatic gurgle with just the slightest appearance of spittle on his lower lip) 

“ … and the baby goes from the Daddy into the Mommy …”

(include here a very eloquent gesture from the stomach up to the mouth) 

“… and starts growing inside. And then the baby pops out of the Mommy’s tummy …”

(again with the gestures - this time of an explosion from the belly region directly outward)

“… so the baby has the Daddy’s blood because it comes from the Daddy first and so the baby gets the Daddy’s last name.”

Whew! Did you get all that? Well, as it sunk in with us, Luke suddenly brightened and made a pronouncement: “Mom needs to be woken up to happiness.”  And out of the room he bolted. Hope you enjoyed your happiness wake up call, Christi. We sure did!

Psalms‬ ‭20‬:‭7‬ says, Some take pride in chariots, and others in horses, but we take pride in the name of Yahweh our God.

Father, thank you for the joy of chatting happily with AnnaGrace and Luke. Amen. 

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